Merit Health River Oaks Secures Baby Friendly Re-Designation
After five years of dedication and quality improvement work, Merit Health River Oaks was re-designated as Baby-Friendly on September 21, 2023.
Merit Health River Oaks is known in its community as being a family-centered facility providing quality care. The hospital has been working with CHAMPS (Communities and Hospitals Advancing Maternity Practices) since 2017, determined to improve breastfeeding education, resources, and support.
“The mission of Merit Health River Oaks is to provide quality patient care through a genuine commitment of service to our customers," says Amanda Heath, RN, BSN, CLC. "This commitment of excellence by our team was the driving force in our pursuit of Baby-Friendly re-designation. By maintaining the framework of Baby-Friendly, our team is able to assist mothers in providing their babies with the best start in life. Our journey in pursuing re-designation required the dedication and focus of our entire team of physicians and staff. We are grateful for the diligence of our team at Merit Health River Oaks in educating, empowering, and supporting our patients and their newborns. We must also give credit to our amazing support team at CHAMPS, especially Laura Burnham. We witnessed CHAMPS’ dedication in equipping and guiding hospitals along the journey to pursuing and maintaining Baby-Friendly Designation.”
